Sukoon - A Website to get relief from stress

Built-in a Hackathon by our team


3 min read

Sukoon - A Website to get relief from stress

Hello, everyone πŸ‘‹ Today we're gonna get introduced to Sukoon. We'll know about its idea, history, birth, making it up, and serving people. Now, this might sound typical to you. But wait for a while and read the full blog.

Introducing Sukoon

Sukoon is a stress-relieving website project made for the hackathon Hackofiesta. This project is under the theme of Healthcare. It's currently open source now and anyone can feel free to contribute to it.

Our Tagline

The one-step solution to get relief from your stress. Live a stress-free life.

Problem it Solves

  • Gives mental peace πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ
  • Reduce stress
  • Refreshes mood
  • Entertain people
  • Motivate people
  • Help people to lead a healthy and successful life.

πŸ’Ό Check out the GitHub repository and the website.

Feel free to contribute and give feedback on it.

Now, let's learn about the history and process of making it and the problem we faced while building it.

Rise of Sukoon

It was our first hackathon and we were the beginner's team. When we all were figuring out what to make, the idea of making a stress-relieving website came to my mind. The reason behind making it was one simple situation. I was having a lot of stress during the pre-hackathon. To lessen it, I listened to music, watched some funny videos, and read some books and jokes. Then, I thought people often have stress in their daily lives. So, why can't we make a beautiful website to reduce people's stress by having such content which I used to reduce stress in one single website?

I discussed this with my teammates and they agreed and we started building it with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Making of Sukoon

We divided our work among ourselves and start building different parts of the web page. First, we made the hero section and it wasn't looking so good as you can see below.


Then we thought of making a UI design for our website using Figma. I made a rough design using Figma which you can see below.

We then started coding to make a website similar to the design. Finally, we came to the conclusion and as time was running for the hackathon we couldn't make all of our services pages. But we promised ourselves to complete it soon. For now, some of our services pages are completed and one can use them to relieve stress.


You can use our website and get some motivation or reduce your stress by using our services present on the website.


If you're learning web development, make sure to participate in hackathons and build new projects and solve real-life problems. If you don't wanna participate in hackathons, then you must make some unique projects on your own as this will enhance your learning and you'll also get to know where are you lacking behind or your knowledge is not strong in that particular area.

I hope you enjoyed this blog and explored our website. Feel free to contribute on GitHub by raising an issue.

Hope this helps you. Thank you for reading, and let's connect!

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