ProManager - The Only Productivity Tool You Need

ProManager - The Only Productivity Tool You Need

Empowering Productivity with Appwrite and Next.js


8 min read


Are you looking for a comprehensive project management tool that not only helps you stay organized but also boosts your productivity to new heights? Look no further!

I Have Done Nothing Productive All Day GIF - Lazy Productive Nope GIFs

Introducing ProManager, a feature-packed application designed to streamline your workflow, enhance collaboration, and keep you motivated throughout your projects. Whether you're a student, professional, or entrepreneur, ProManager is your go-to solution for efficient project management.

I'm glad to participate in the Appwrite x Hashnode Hackathon and learn about Appwrite with Next.js and built a super cool application to boost productivity.

Team Details: Solo Developer

I'm proud to say that ProManager was entirely developed by a dedicated solo developer which is myself. From conceptualization to implementation, every aspect of ProManager was meticulously crafted by me, demonstrating the passion and commitment behind this project.

Overview of ProManager

ProManager is the ultimate productivity tool designed to supercharge your efficiency and streamline your project management. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, ProManager empowers you to stay organized, collaborate seamlessly, and achieve your goals with ease. From task management and pro-level ideas to time tracking and progress monitoring, ProManager has got you covered. Experience a whole new level of productivity and take control of your projects with ProManager. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to success.

The Power of ProManager

At ProManager, we understand the challenges of managing multiple tasks, staying focused, and achieving project goals. That's why we've developed a suite of powerful features to address these pain points and help you excel in your projects. Let's explore some of the key features that make ProManager an indispensable tool for productivity enthusiasts:

1. Tasklist

Effortlessly manage your tasks with ProManager's intuitive Tasklist feature. Create, update, and delete tasks with ease, ensuring you stay on top of your priorities. Say goodbye to missed deadlines and hello to seamless task management.

2. Kanban

Visualize your workflow and track the progress of your tasks using our Kanban board. Move tasks across different stages, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done," and get a clear overview of your project's status at a glance.

3. Diary Note

Unleash your creativity and capture your thoughts, ideas, and important information with ease using ProManager's Note Writing feature. Seamlessly create and save notes, ensuring that every valuable insight is securely stored for future reference. Stay organized and never let brilliant ideas slip away again.

4. Tick-Tock

Take control of your time management with our built-in Stopwatch and Pomodoro Timer. Use the Stopwatch to track time spent on specific activities, and leverage the Pomodoro Timer to implement the popular time management technique and enhance your focus and productivity.

5. Progress Tracker

With ProManager's Progress Tracker, you can easily monitor and track the progress of your projects while keeping all the important details in one place. Stay organized and gain valuable insights as you navigate through the various stages of your project's lifecycle. Set milestones, record accomplishments, and stay on top of deadlines. Whether you're working on personal endeavors, professional assignments, or collaborative ventures, ProManager's Progress Tracker ensures you have a clear view of your project's journey and empowers you to achieve success. Stay in control and make informed decisions with ProManager's comprehensive Progress Tracker.

6. Idealist

Spark your creativity and store your project ideas in one place. The Project Idea feature enables you to capture and revisit your innovative concepts whenever inspiration strikes.

7. Productivity Tips

Discover valuable tips and techniques to boost your productivity. ProManager provides a curated collection of productivity tips to help you optimize your workflow and accomplish more in less time.

8. Useful Quotes

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Need a dose of motivation? ProManager presents a selection of inspiring quotes to uplift your spirits and keep you motivated on your journey toward success.

Apart from all of the above features we have a beautiful dashboard for our users. Wanna have a sneak peek into it? ๐Ÿ‘€ It's below!!

Embracing the Best Technologies

ProManager's front end is built using Next.js, a robust React framework known for its server-side rendering capabilities. This ensures a smooth user experience and optimal performance, making ProManager highly user-friendly.

Our project utilizes the following tech stack:

  • Next.js: We've developed the complete frontend using Next.js, taking advantage of its powerful features.

  • React.js: We've incorporated React hooks and states, along with various packages, to enhance the functionality of the application.

  • Tailwind CSS: We've employed Tailwind CSS for styling the entire application, providing a visually appealing and consistent design.

  • Appwrite Cloud: To power the backend and store user data, we rely on Appwrite Cloud services:

    • Authentication: Appwrite's Authentication feature allows users to sign up or log in to their ProManager accounts securely.

    • Database: We leverage the Appwrite Database service to store and manage user data associated with the various features of the application. There are a total of 6 collections to manage the current features and services of ProManager.

    • Storage: Appwrite's Storage service enables users to upload and store images for different sections of the application, enhancing data management capabilities.

    • Cloud Functions - Node.js: We utilize Appwrite's Cloud Functions to enable users to delete their accounts with a simple button click, enhancing their control over their data.

For seamless deployment of our application, we rely on Vercel, a robust platform that ensures the smooth hosting and management of our ProManager project.

Overall, this tech stack empowers us to create a feature-rich and reliable project management application that meets the needs of our users.

Secure Data Storage with Appwrite

At ProManager, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data. That's why we've chosen Appwrite as our backend solution. Appwrite provides a reliable and secure cloud infrastructure to store and manage your data. Leveraging Appwrite's Email Auth service, ProManager ensures secure access to your account, protecting your sensitive information.

Apart from this, there's an extra layer of security to save databases and avoid spamming which is the email verification procedure via Appwrite.

When a user signup, an email will be sent to the registered mail having a link in it. On clicking that link, the user gets verified and gets access to all the features of ProManager. This helps in managing the database and keeping users' data safe and secure.

Challenges We Faced

During the development of ProManager, our team encountered various challenges that tested our skills and problem-solving abilities. Here are some of the key challenges we faced and how we overcame them:

  1. Designing a User-Friendly Interface: Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface was crucial for ProManager. We had to strike the right balance between functionality and simplicity. Through continuous feedback and iterations, we were able to design a visually appealing and easy-to-use interface that enhances the overall user experience.

  2. Integration with Appwrite Services: Leveraging the power of Appwrite services, such as Authentication, Database, Storage, and Cloud Functions, was essential for the functionality of ProManager. Integrating these services and ensuring smooth communication between the front-end and backend required careful planning and implementation. We faced some initial challenges in configuring the API calls and handling the data flow, but with thorough testing, debugging and the love from the Appwrite community support channel in Discord, we successfully integrated Appwrite into our application.

  3. Managing State and Data: As ProManager involves multiple features and data interactions, managing the application state and handling data efficiently was a significant challenge. We adopted best practices in React and Next.js, utilized React hooks, and implemented proper data structuring techniques to ensure smooth data flow and synchronization between different components.

  4. Performance Optimization: Building a highly performant application was crucial for delivering a seamless user experience. We faced challenges in optimizing the application's performance, including reducing network requests, optimizing image loading, and implementing code-splitting techniques. Through careful analysis and optimization, we were able to improve the application's speed and responsiveness.

Despite these challenges, our team remained determined and focused, continuously learning and adapting to overcome any obstacles that came our way. The experience taught us valuable lessons in learning new tech from documentation, problem-solving, and the importance of perseverance.

By addressing these challenges head-on, we were able to create a robust and user-friendly application that meets the needs of our users. The lessons learned from overcoming these challenges will undoubtedly benefit us in future projects as well.

Future Plans

We're continuously striving to enhance ProManager and provide an even more robust project management solution. Here are some of our exciting future plans:

  • Integration with popular collaboration tools for seamless team collaboration.

  • Mobile application development for on-the-go productivity management.

  • Advanced analytics and reporting features to gain valuable insights into your project performance.

  • Customizable templates for various project management methodologies, allowing you to tailor ProManager to your unique needs.

Experience ProManager Today!

Are you ready to take your project management and productivity to the next level? Visit and sign up for a free account. Experience the power of ProManager firsthand and unlock your full potential.

ProManager is free and open source. Check out the source code on GitHub.

Link to the repository:-

We're excited to have you join the ProManager community and embark on a journey of enhanced productivity and project success. Let's make every project a resounding success with ProManager!

Get in Touch

Have any questions, suggestions, or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out via mail or follow us on Twitter @its_SusmitaDey for the latest updates.

Let's revolutionize project management and productivity together with ProManager!

"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi

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